What does a functional team look like?

Mar 9, 2017 | 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what sets successful startups apart from the rest? Is it a groundbreaking idea or sheer luck? Well, according to a recent discussion I had with a group of savvy investors, it’s neither. The consensus among these seasoned investors was clear: it’s all about having a functional team that consistently makes sound decisions. But what exactly does a functional team look like, and how can you ensure your team is making good decisions?

The Power of a Functional Team

Let’s start with the cornerstone of success in any venture – a functional team. Most people may not realize it, but the term “functional” here carries a significant weight. It’s not just about having people in place; it’s about having the right people who work together harmoniously.

Picture this: a team where every member understands their role, respects one another’s opinions, and collaborates seamlessly toward a common goal. That’s the essence of a functional team. But it’s easier said than done. Many teams fall short of this ideal, and it’s often the reason why startups fail to reach their full potential.

To get a better grasp of what it takes to build a truly functional team, I recommend diving into Patrick Lencioni’s books. His insights and strategies can provide you with a roadmap to transform your team into a well-oiled machine.

Mastering the Art of Decision-Making

Now, let’s shift our focus to another crucial aspect of success – decision-making. It’s not just about making decisions; it’s about making good ones. So, what separates good decisions from bad ones, and how can you avoid falling into the trap of decision bias?

Decision bias, a common pitfall, can lead us astray. It’s the tendency to make decisions based on preconceived notions, emotions, or external pressures rather than relying on rational judgment. Understanding and overcoming these biases is vital for making consistently good decisions.

To embark on this journey of mastering the art of decision-making, explore the intricate world of decision bias. I encourage you to read more about it here. It’s a crucial step in equipping yourself and your team with the tools to navigate the complex landscape of choices that every startup faces.

In conclusion, while innovative ideas certainly play a role in a startup’s success, the linchpin is undeniably a functional team that excels at making sound decisions. By understanding what makes a team functional and by honing your decision-making skills, you’ll be better positioned to steer your startup toward the path of triumph.

So, remember, it’s not just about the idea; it’s about the team and the decisions they make. Dive into the world of functional teams and decision bias, and watch your startup thrive. Success is within reach when you have the right team making the right choices.


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