Robotic Pharmacist

Pill dispensing system designed to replace the pharmacist in long term care facilities

FinishLine Expertise

  • Product Requirements
  • Conceptual Design
  • Prototyping (MVP)
  • Mechanical Design
  • Manufacturing Documents
  • CAD
  • Software/Firmware
  • Programing UI/UX
  • Electrical Design
  • Schematic
  • PCB Layout & Assembly
  • Testing/Troubleshoot

Project Description

Our client saw a way to help long-term nursing facilities better manage medication management and delivery, while also streamlining billing and accounting, all within the context of strict regulatory compliance. Having never developed a product, let alone a medical device product, they turned to the experts: Finish Line PDS.

Challenge icon
The Challenge

How to select a single pill with 100% reliability given each can have 1000s of different shapes and sizes—and, convince the FDA that we had in fact done so.

The process icon
The Process
  1. Brainstormed many different pill picking ideas
  2. Narrow the list and conducted Proof of Concept experiments to determine if the pill picking idea would meet the requirements
  3. Using FDA design requirements, designed the system, built prototypes, and conducted a Design Verification Test
The solution icon
The Solution
  1. Received and stored prescriptions electronically for each member of the long care faculty
  2. For each member, picked medication sealed it in a plastic container, labeled the package, shorted and tray the med run
  3. FDA compliant medical device
Results icon
The Results
  1. One of, if not the first pill pack system in existence
  2. FDA Compliance
  3. From idea to Manufacture in just 18 months


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